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Invitation to Rise to the 2017 Challenge

Invitation to Rise to the 2017 Challenge

The Challenge of 2017

The coming year will be a busy year in the cricketing calendar – a Champions Trophy and a Women’s World Cup for a start. Closer to home there are leagues to be won and at a personal level, batting and bowling targets to be achieved.

However, despite all that, the biggest challenge for Bidborough in 2017 is to raise funds for our new pavilion.

We will need to work closely with our colleagues in our fellow sporting clubs through the Bidborough Sports Association and indeed with the entire village community, through the support of the Parish Council, to come up with the right sums of money such that we can enable the new pavilion to start construction in autumn 2017.

It will be a lot easier if everybody, and we do mean everybody, does their bit. A mixture of money, ideas and time will get us there so you will be able to contribute to at least one of these and hopefully all three. You will all know individuals or companies who can assist with money or prizes for raffle or auction so please do not be afraid to spread the word.

The fundraising committee will outline their plans at the start of the season and we will have a running total going throughout the season to show progress. Every home game gives us the chance to add a few more pounds to our efforts and together will take us ever closer to our final target.

The ultimate prize is enormous – a brand new pavilion with space to have a proper seat in the changing room and the chance to have tea in roomier surroundings – so please be ready to fully contribute however you can throughout the whole season. A new building up and ready for the 2018 season will be a fitting way to mark our 125th anniversary!

A big challenge yes, but working together will mean that we can rise to that challenge.

2017 Fixture Booklets on Press

Whilst it is always with good intentions year in and year out to ensure the BCC Sporting Fixtures booklet is ready for circulation at the start of the season we are still waiting for them to come off press. So for those who are anxious to get their diaries organised ahead of the league matches which kick off from Saturday 6th May, please feel free to download a copy of the fixtures until the printed booklets are ready for distribution.

We must all be mindful that the printing of these booklets, on average 74 pages in full colour, is sponsored by FOX Print Services year in and year out.

Colts Annual awards presentations

The annual Colts presentations will be held at Bidborough Recreation on Sunday 18th September at 4pm. Preceded by a ‘limited over’ U15 match – everyone is welcome to arrive early to watch the game or part of it !
Lets hope the weather continues to hold for the weekend !

Awards in each age group / squad in the following categories include:

  • Players Player
  • Managers Player
  • Most Improved
  • Batting
  • Bowling
  • Fielding

There are also ‘Border League’ award certificates to collect for those that achieved ‘3 wicket hauls’ and those that retired not out when batting.

Please make sure you all come along to receive your awards and to support the club and your team mates.
There will be a bar and light refreshments available.

**UNDER 15’s
There is the annual fun short over match before the presentations – start time TBA.

President’s Day – Sunday 11 September 2016

President’s Day – Sunday 11 September 2016

2015 Presidents XI and Heffle Cuckoos team photo


A date for the diary, Sunday 11th September 2016 … join us while the President’s XI test their skills against our regular visitors Heffle Cuckoos CC with the match starting at 11.30 am.

As always a good day of cricket to be enjoyed before the onset of Winter. The final hoorah so they say. Keep your diaries clear and come down to enjoy the day.


Picture Gallery from Presidents Day 2015



August Bank Holiday Cricket Fiesta

August Bank Holiday Cricket Fiesta

A weekend fiesta of cricket with all three teams winning their league matches on Saturday. Followed by a very successful Big Bash Interclub six-a-side on Sunday and finally, the weekend was complete with BCC being crowned champions of The Groombridge 6’s on bank holiday Monday.

The Interclub six-a-side was filled with plenty of entertainment both on and off the pitch. The Super Mario’s took dressing up for cricket to another level, the South Africans tactically recruited the pony ‘Daisy’ as as a distraction, supercharged Dylan Hillhouse could be compared to the “bolt” between the wickets, Elliot Heim behind the mic was not a good idea and team Howard arrived on mass with as many friends and family to fill the top bank and intimidate the opposition. Well done to team Baldock who seemed unphased by all the goings on finally triumphing overall.

Well done to our BCC Six A side team on winning the Groombridge 6’s on the bank holiday Monday. They say the ‘cream always rises to the top’, so yes, Bidborough should have ‘probably’ won and were ‘probably’ the best team on the day.